lunedì 18 febbraio 2008

Bash: come capire quale .jar contiene una certa classe

Se sei nella directory contenente i jar da cercare:

for i in `ls *.jar`; do echo $i; jar -tvf | grep eventuale.package.NomeCasse; done;

Se i jar possono essere in diverse sottodirectory a partire dalla directory corrente:

for i in `find . -name | egrep ".*\.jar$"`; do echo $i; jar -tvf | grep eventuale.package.NomeCasse; done;

(Non ho provato su Windows)

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I have been coding from the old C64 times. Studied Computer Sciences at Milan University. I also worked there in technical operations. Many years of experiences in coding Java and C#, desktop and web applications, with practices like unit testing. I used to play with 3d graphics in architecture recently with Blender 3d. Now I look for support related to some projects I am working on, oriented in automation in tourism related services, using functional programming framework, specifically F# and Suave.IO. email
tonyx1 (at) github